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New Community Center

Project caption here
ClientBEHCHOKO our community
SkillsMaintance, Botanus, growing, ect

We formally launche dour green house spring 2019. We Grew Zukini, squash, corn and beans (the 3 sisiters amonf the Haudenashone) , as well as tomatoes, kale and mint. We also had a prolific tobacco harvest , most enjoyed nby some of our Elders.


The Ultimate plan is to train some of our local residents to to manage the seasonal and daily maintenance of this project for our community 


One of our biggest challenges is that far much time is spent looking for funding to address shortfalls created by inadequate core funding arrangements. If all that is worked directly at effective programming delivery and client services , imagine how much more effectively we could respond to the real needs of the community.

We continue to dream and pray

  • Not enough time spent spent on searching for new funding agencies
  • Participant training
  • Seasonal down time
  • Elder Accessibility


We are renewing out Green team this coming month